I want to say one thing about historicals and why I most of the times don't exactly like the heroines. I usually love the "badass" heroines and this sadly is rare in historical romances if they aim at feeling "truthful"(at least as much as a fiction novel can be). It's really sad because I can't think of anything better than a girl with a sword!:P
As for this particular book...
My castle
(I couldn't resist...These places just look so perfect.)
I liked the story. The whole "elite guard" thing is exactly sth I'd love to read because hey, highlanders, warriors, different couple every book. What's not to love?
I loved Tor. I didn't find his behavior towards Christina cruel or anything like that because I'm more than certain that you didn't get to lead a clan with your bleeding heart at the time of the story.
I didn't particularly like Christina. She wasn't bad I suppose but not anything special either. Typical "historical- damsel in distress" kind of girl. She made one mistake after the other in her attempts to make Tor like her. Don't know...Maybe I'm a little prejudiced.
Well that's about it...If my review doesn't make much sense I'll fix it some time in the future if I'm more in the mood!:P